My name is Abbey, and there are a lot of unique things about me. First, I'm a right-brained learner. This basically means that I'm blessed with high imagination and cursed with anxiety. Second, I'm a Latter-Day Saint, who is amazed by the goodness of the Lord and all He does for me in my life. Third, I am an unschooler. The biggest lesson I learned from this education is to love learning and to pursue my passions. This blog is a collection of personal musings that will probably fall into one of these catogories. Thanks for visiting!

*All stamps courtesy of Mirz123

Monday, September 24, 2012

Slenderman = Modern-Day Bigfoot

Image by x-Tsuka-x
I hate horror movies with a passion.  I hate the suspense, I hate the gore, I hate the sad/bad endings, and I hate not being able to sleep at night after watching one.  So I'm more than a little surprised to find myself saying that my latest obsession right now is with a horror character.  He's not from a movie, though.  He's sort of an Internet myth, like a modern-day Bigfoot.  And his name is Slenderman.

Slenderman originated from an online paranormal Photoshop contest that took place on Something Awful forums in June 2009.  The point of the contest was to turn normal pictures into creepy pictures, complete with a background story.  Victor Surge, one of the forum users, posted two photos featuring a tall, thin figure dressed in a black suit (one of the photos is below).

Image by Victor Surge
The photos went viral, and soon enough, people began to pick out similar Slendermen in various photos, historical accounts, and even video games.  Slenderman was featured in fan art, short stories, Youtube videos, and conversations across the Internet.  Some people actually believe that Slenderman exists, like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.  I learned about him from a computer game that someone created called "Slender" featuring you-know-who (for a full history of Slenderman, click here).

I think Slenderman exists as much as I think Bigfoot exists (i.e. not at all), but I was intrigued by the game "Slender."  I downloaded the game (it's free) and watched my husband play it.  It was so scary!  But contrary to how I usually feel about horror, I loved it!  I refused to play it for the longest time, but I enjoyed watching other people play.  Why?  Because I love watching people get the poo scared out of them!  There's just something funny about people (especially grown men) screaming like little girls and cowering in their chairs.  It's the same reason why I like watching scare pranks on "Just for Laughs" or the scare section of "America's Funniest Home Videos."  It's just funny (does that make me an evil person? haha).  To see what I mean, click on any of the links in the previous sentence, or check out the (clean) "Slender" reaction montage at the end of this blog, although I would recommend watching the video of me playing "Slender" first to get an idea of what the game is like.

It took me weeks for me to gather up the courage, but here's a video of me playing "Slender"!  After laughing at so many people getting scared by Slenderman, it's my turn.  *gulp*  My husband pointed out that I talked too much during this video, but I guess it was my way of dealing with the suspense.  Enjoy my fear!

Man, I was shaking for fifteen minutes after playing that round!  And I promise you, it will never happen again!  I did this all for you!  xD

Finally, here is a "Slender" reaction montage that I edited but did not compile.  I love watching people react to "Slender," but they all cuss like sailors, so I've censored this one.  Below this video are more links and information about the "Slender" games.  Enjoy!

Original video by

To download the original in-the-forest "Slender" game, click here.
To download the "Sanatorium" Slenderman game that I played, click here.
To download the awesome recording device I used to capture my "Slender" gameplay, click here.
The best thing about all three links is that they are all free and they are all safe. 

Have fun, and remember, Slendy is always watching!  ;)

Image by nick-tyrrell

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Don't Fear the Putt-Putt

Image from Speedcathollydale's blog

I love going to the beach!  It's a wonderful way to get away from the normal hustle and bustle of life and get caught up in the relaxing rhythm of the ocean waves.  It has become sort of a tradition to go putt-putt while at the beach, and there are no shortages of interesting locations to go to.  I'm not great at putt-putt, so it's really just a way to get outside and have fun with my family without pressure.  However, since I'm kind of an anxious person, I end up feeling pressure anyway.  Not from my family, though.  In the end, the pressure I experience is from myself, and after some contemplation, I came up with an interesting analogy.

So there I am, preparing to do a three-foot putt into the hole.  I might look cool and calm to everyone else, but inside, I am thinking:

"Oh no, what if I can't make this shot?  I can never do anything right.  There's no way I can make this shot!  I shouldn't even try."

Thankfully, my sane Unconditional Self steps in and says:

"Yes, you can do this.  If you believe you can do it, you will.  Don't listen to your anxieties.  Just concentrate and sink that ball into the hole." 

So I focus, and lo and behold, the ball rolls right into the hole.  I celebrate with a whoop, and then the anxieties begin again:

 "Oh no, now I've done it!  Everyone will expect me to be able to play putt-putt really well, and if I don't, then I'll be a complete and utter failure!  I have to stop being good at putt-putt to protect myself!"

Of course, this is complete baloney, so my Unconditional Self steps in:

 "What is wrong with you?!  Didn't you listen to a word I've been saying?  If you believe you can do it, you will!  You will make mistakes, 'cause that's part of life, but that doesn't mean you're a failure.  You have a talent, so don't be afraid to pursue it!  Show the world what you can do!"

This is a very dramatic example of what I struggle with every day of my life.  Anxiety makes me afraid to do things, especially the things I do well, in fear of failing.  This is why I haven't been working on my novel, or pursuing my love of art.  It's silly, but it's real.  What I work on everyday is helping my Unconditional Self rise above the fog of my anxious self (see my anxiety page to learn more about the Unconditional Self).  It's like having an evil twin that's always anxious and always trying to keep me stuck in my fear.  Kevin Bolk, creator of "I'm My Own Mascot" comics, understands this very well (click to read):

My husband once told me that having these anxious and fearful thoughts is completely normal.  It's when these thoughts keep me too fearful from pursuing my dreams that it becomes a problem.  Having anxiety isn't easy, but I'm learning to ignore the evil twin in my head and follow my passions.  I'm happy to say that I've been working on my novel again after months of inactivity.  Hooray!  :D  Every little victory helps.  So whenever I feel trapped in my own fear, I think of my experience with putt-putt and I rise above my anxieties.  Most of the time, anyway.  ;)

Friday, September 7, 2012

My Adventures with Aromatherapy

Image from
Since I suffer from anxiety, I've looked into several natural remedies for the body.  Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of plant-derived, aromatic essential oils to promote physical and psychological well-being.  It is sometimes used in combination with massage and other therapeutic techniques as part of a holistic treatment approach (definition from TheFreeDictionary).  I like natural smells, like the kind from flowers, so I decided to give aromatherapy a try.  My mom bought me a collection of essential oils from Eden's Garden for Christmas.  She bought the synergy set, which came with cute, little bottles of:

Meditation = ylang ylang, patchouli, frankincense, clary sage, orange sweet, and thyme essential oils.
Stress Relief = bergamot, patchouli, blood orange, ylang, ylang, and grapefruit essential oils.
Aphrodisiac = ylang ylang, patchouli, orange sweet, lavender, sandalwood, and jasmine essential oils.
Relaxation lavender, marjoram, patchouli, mandarin, geranium, and chamomile essential oils.
Renew = frankincense, tea tree, rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus, and orange sweet essential oils.
Breathe Easy = peppermint, rosemary, lemon, and eucalyptus essential oils.

(Click on the different essential oils to learn more about them!)
Image from Eden's Garden

In the short time I've experimented with essential oils, I have learned 2 warnings and 2 positive experiences.

Warning #1: Essential oils are potent!

Essential oils are natural, but they are NOT subtle.  In fact, they are more like flowers on steroids!  When I first got my essential oils, I made the mistake of putting 5 drops of lavender in the water of my oil burner.  The smell was sweet, but it was so strong, it made me sick to my stomach.  The aroma penetrated my skin, my bones, my very soul!  Aromatherapy is the real deal!  I quickly learned to only put 2 drops of essential oil in my oil burner.  A little goes a long way.

Warning #2: Essential oils can give you giant zits!

I was feeling very earthy one day, and decided to dab a drop of lavender essential oil on the skin right above my collar bone.  That way, the healing aroma would rise into my nostrils as I went throughout my day.  It worked quite well, until I came home from work and looked in my mirror...
In the exact spot I dabbed the oil, I had grown the biggest, whitest zit I had ever seen!  I NEVER get zits on my chest, yet there it was, throbbing at me menacingly!  From now on, I try not to put the essential oil on my skin.

Positive Experience #1: Smelling essential oils makes me feel happy and zenny!
In a world where 'artificial' is the norm in just about every aspect of our lives, using something that is natural just makes me feel good.  In my opinion, half of the effectiveness of aromatherapy comes from the positive thoughts and feelings it invokes in me.  The essential oils (when diluted properly) smell wonderful, like the inside of a dream.  The aroma makes me feel like I'm smelling something far greater and purer than anything mankind can ever make by themselves.  The aroma is cleansing and penetrates deep.  I just like using them.  I haven't invested in a diffuser or anything cool like that, but I don't have to have one to enjoy aromatherapy right now.  For some really cool tips on how to use essential oils in your day-to-day life, just check out this articles by Eden's Garden: 40 Ways to Use.

Positive Experience #2: Essential oils have successfully chased my anxiety away.

 I am more of a believer in cognitive therapy verses more physical treatments when it comes to my anxiety.  I am especially leery of the seemingly 'mystical' treatments.  I mean, just because you made your pills out of organic seeds from some plant I haven't even heard of doesn't mean that it will cure my anxiety!  I do believe that these natural supplements have the ability to help control anxiety's power over the mind, but not every pill will work for every person who tries it.  And there are so many out there to try!  Perhaps I am a believer in cognitive therapy because the idea of researching and experimenting with so many supplements is just way too overwhelming.
I can testify, however, that aromatherapy definitely has some power over my anxiety.  One day, I was feeling anxious and jittery for no apparent reason.  That's the worse kind of anxiety: the kind that has no reason or purpose other than to torture me.  I decided to breathe in some lavender essential oil, which is the best oil for dealing with anxiety.  Within a couple breaths, my anxious feelings were gone!  I was shocked by how well it worked, cause as I said before, I'm not exactly a believer.  But I could not deny that the essential oil had calmed my body and mind.  I was thrilled!  To this day, I am a believer in the power and effectiveness aromatherapy.
Now, this does not mean that aromatherapy alone can control my anxiety, or that breathing lavender fumes will chase away any anxious feelings I have anytime, every time.  But I am happy that I have essential oils to use in my daily life.  They are just another part of my anxiety-conquering plan.  So if you have been considering experimenting with essential oils in your life, I wholeheartedly encourage you to do so.  Just remember, essential oils are stronger than you might think, so have a gas mask handy, just in case.  ;)