Minecraft. It's a word that's becoming more and more common in the English language, like a secret code that only a few understand. There are usually other words associated with this word, such as Creeper, Diamond Pickaxe, and "heck yeah, I love that game!" I anticipate this review will be lengthy, so I may divide it into several posts. This post, however, focuses on the player diversity of Minecraft. No matter what kind of game you prefer to play, Minecraft will probably accommodate you.
First, a few facts. Minecraft is a computer game developed by Mojang. It can only be purchased online from the official Minecraft website: http://www.minecraft.net/ In a nutshell, Minecraft is a world made up entirely of cubes. You can explore, manipulate, and build whatever you want. It's hard to do the game justice by mere words, so check out the trailer below for a better idea of what Minecraft is all about...
I will warn you right up front: Minecraft can be extremely addicting. No video or computer game is inherently bad. Even though Minecraft, like World of Warcraft and Farmville, has a reputation for wasting people's lives, it doesn't have to be that way with a little self-discipline. And that's for the individual to figure out for themselves. As for me, I LOVE Minecraft! And a lot of other people would agree with me. What makes Minecraft such a sensation? I believe it's because Minecraft's diversity accommodates a variety of different player preferences, such as:
1. The Builder: Minecraft has endless possibilities for a builder personality. Buildings, dungeons, statues, mazes... You name it, you can build it. I don't quite have the eye to build stuff, but here are some images of amazing structures that other people have built:

This is a log cabin created by the Minecraft forum user Baxter
(click here for more pics)

This is the inside of the same log cabin. I want to live there!

People have also created jaw-dropping statues. This Mario was created by Leefield
(for more of his Minecraft work, click here.)
2. The Explorer: Minecraft is the world that never ends...literally! Mountains, valleys, deserts, jungles, swamps, caves, oceans, forests, glaciers, ravines. Each world you create is uniquely generated, so no two worlds are ever the same. And what big worlds they are! Maps, compasses, and landmarks are necessary to explore it all. And even then, there is a labyrinth of tunnels, caverns, lava pits, dungeons, mines, and strongholds beneath your feet. And if that wasn't enough, the world actually generates new land whenever you reach the edge of the map.

3. The Treasure Hunter: finding and gathering materials and treasure is a big part of Minecraft. There is a practical side to treasure hunting. Much-needed food can be foraged, plants can be acquired, and simple building materials like lumber, stone, dirt, and sand is necessary for making a shelter. But the real joy is in hunting for REAL treasure: gold, redstone, and precious diamond. These can only be found deep underground where monsters roam and twisty paths can get even the most die-hard explorers lost. And if you're lucky, you will stumble upon dungeons where you can find treasure chests with rare items within.

A scary cave deep underground. Prime treasure-hunting!
4. Monster Slayer: Minecraft has several modes. Creative mode, for example, is for those who just want to build with an unlimited supply of materials right at their finger tips. Most people, however, play in Survival mode. This includes a variety of monsters that come out at night or linger in dark caves. These monsters are no push-overs, and when dealing with them in large numbers or with inadequate armor and weapons, they can be deadly. Players must rush to get a crude shelter built before night falls or become monster chow. Also, anyone wishing to hunt for treasure deep underground will have dangerous creatures to contend with. A few of the monsters include zombies, skeletons, and giant spiders. The most famous of these monsters, however, goes to the Creeper.

These strange, green monsters sneak up on unsuspecting players and...BLOW UP! Not only does this inflict terrible damage to the player, but any nearby blocks are blown to bits. This is especially frustrating when you are trying to build something. I've had a Creeper blow up an entire house and everything in it. It's a tragedy only Minecraft fans can truly understand.
5. Nest Builders: I admit, I fall under this category. As much as I like adventuring, there's nothing more satisfying to me than creating a safe, beautiful home to live in. I'm not a great builder, but I craft my homes with love. Lanterns light the halls, rugs lay on the floor, flowers border the glass windows, paintings line the walls, and all of my belongings are organized neatly in labeled chests. Outside, I have a garden. Wheat, watermelon, pumpkins, sugar cane, and cactus grow there. I also raise sheep, cows, chickens, and pigs. I find a lot of joy in tending my little world. Perhaps that's why the dishes are piling up in my real kitchen... I'm joking!

A lovely room created by Leangreen (blog link)
A lovely farm of golden wheat.
In conclusion, Minecraft is a simple but diverse game that is sure to please many different kind of players, young or old, experienced or newbie. Don't be afraid to check it out. Who knows, maybe you'll catch the Minecraft fever, too. If you already play the game, leave a comment describing which kind of Minecraft player you are. Questions are welcomed, too!
Coming soon: "Minecraft - How to Survive the First Day," a video post for new players. Also, I might write a parenting guide to Minecraft that gives a player's perspective on why the game is so addicting, why right-brainers especially are drawn to it, and why the game - when played in moderation - is good for the heart and soul.